Thursday 14 July 2016

The First Five Hundred

I'm excited....VERY excited....


For a very, VERY long time I've rabbited on about writing a book. If you've read the previous posts on this blog, then you will know that is a fact - when I started the blog in august 2012, my first post was all about how I was starting it....and then life got in the way...

But, things have changed!

I studied a diploma in Leadership, Coaching and Mentoring last year, and part of that study included several hands-on sessions with other student coaches. This course is not your every-day life coaching weekend workshop - it's a fully accredited, VET funded diploma, trained by Jigsaw Training Group [look them up if you want - I highly recommend their services] and is accredited by the International Coaches Federation - who set the gold standard in coaching.
Anyway, as part of the process of being coached, I made some goals, and put in place some first steps to work towards those goals, one of which was actually writing the book, rather than just hoping, wishing and talking about it!

I hired a book coach, who I have been working with using cyber conferencing [she's in USA] and she has really helped me to get a move along, with great support, no judgement, and a brilliant technique to help remove the blocks to my progress. She even helped me recognise that the procrastination I have paid myself out on for so long is actually part of my process, which allows me to mull over my thoughts and reach deeper within myself for the essence of the message I wish to spread.

One of the blocks, was to get past the 'tall poppy' thing that we Aussies have....and I had in abundance. And announcing that this is actually happening is part of the proof that this block is gone. You see, I had planned to keep this secret til it was all done....just in case it was another 'gunna' [see my first post if you don't know what that is], and to avoid any negatives or criticism I might get.

Now that block is gone, I am delighted to announce that the procrastination [now referred to as percolation] has stopped, and I have passed the first five hundred words of my book.


OK, so 500 words doesn't make a book, or even a chapter. It barely makes a page, but it is 500 words further than any other book writing attempt I have ever made. And it is backed up with a premise, a purpose and a skeleton - a basic book structure that we have nutted out over several coaching sessions. It's not just in my head any more - it's on paper...and in cyberspace too. I have a survey together ready to distribute in order to get my own real-life figures for use in the book, and this will be going out in the next few days [if you want to participate, please message me] and I have a structured timetable for writing another 500 words per day [or more...500 every day is a bare minimum target which I have set for myself].

I'm not gunna anymore....I AM.....that is I AM DOING THIS....AND I AM DOING THIS NOW! feels GREAT!!!

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